Pengantar Teknologi Informasi

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Kode Mata Kuliah : 11980
Kapan : Rabu, 09.10 - 12.20
Dimana : C.202 FST
nhbannerrInstructor info:
Name : Nurul Hidayat
Email :
Office : Jur. Teknik FST UNSOED
Silabus Khusus :
Kuliah ini mengenalkan tentang konsep-konsep teknologi informasi. Mata kuliah ini menerangkan tentang berbagai macam konsep teknologi informasi, dimulai dari perkembangan, etika,  sampai fungsionalitas teknologi informasi. Mata kuliah ini sangat penting dalam memberikan motivasi kepada para mahasiswa dan menarik minat mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan teknologi informasi.
Course Description
Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
  1. memahami dasar-dasar perangkat keras dan lunak teknologi informasi,
  2. memahami bagaimana mentransformasi cara berpikir melalui teknologi informasi,
  3. memahami peranan sumber daya manusia dalam pengembangan teknologi informasi,
  4. memahami implikasi teknologi informasi terhadap masyarakat,
  5. etika dan hukum pemanfaatan teknologi informasi.
Detail-oriented introduction to computers, with emphasis on enterprise computing, ethics, Internet research skills, mobile computing, operating s ystems (other than Windows), browsers, security, and Web 2.0.
During this semester, you will be able to understand why computers are essential in business and society. Upon completion of Computer Science 115, students will be able to :
  • understand why computers are essential in business and society
  • learn the fundamentals of and terms associated with computers and mobile d evices, the Internet, programs and apps, and digital safety and security
  • learn by actually using the computer, mobile devices and the Internet
  • learn strategies for purchasing desktop computers, mobile computers, and mobile devices
  • Exposure to concepts and language of IT,
  • Some specific technical knowledge (images, audio, video),
  • Experience in talking and writing about IT, S
  • ome practice in research on IT topics
Prerequisite: -
Course Web Page:,
Download E-Books  : Discovering Computers 2011: Complete (Shelly Cashman)
By Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat (Shelly Cashman)
Online :

Kriteria Penilaian:

a. Nilai mutu A untuk nilai ≥ 80;
b. Nilai mutu B untuk nilai 66,00–79,99;
c. Nilai mutu C untuk nilai 56,00–65,99;
d. Nilai mutu D untuk nilai 46,00–55,99;
e. Nilai mutu E untuk nilai < 46
Pembobotan Nilai :
Kegiatan    Bobot Nilai
Tugas          15%
Quiz            15%
UTS             35%
UAS             35%

Course Policy

Berlaku bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa
  • Tidak diperbolehkan memakai sandal
  • Berpakaian yang rapi dan sopan
  • Tidak diperbolehkan untuk “titip absen” apabila mahasiswa yang bersangkutan tidak mengikuti perkuliahan sanksi: yang nitip dan di titipi nilai C maksimal
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa diharapkan hadir pada
    > Batas wajar 15 menit dari jadwal yang telah ditentukan
    > Namun, tidak ada sangsi keterlambatan bagi mahasiswa
  • Kehadiran minimal 75% (12 / 14 pertemuan) sebagai
    syarat minimal mengikuti UTS dan/atau UAS (Sesuai keputusan Jurusan Teknik FST UNSOED)
  • Kuliah yang batal diadakan karena hari libur, kegiatan insidental jurusan ataupun dosen berhalangan, akan digantikan di hari lain sesuai kesepakatan dosen-mahasiswa
    > Akan diberitahukan lewat website
Late Policy:
  • On-time projects must be received at the submission site by 11:59PM on the due date.  Any project received after this time will be considered to be LATE.
  • A late assignment will receive a deduction of 10 points if it is up to one day past the deadline and 15 points if it is up to two days past the deadline. An assignment which is more than 2 days late will be accepted only under special circumstances with the instructor determining the penalty in a fair manner.

Important Dates:

Pertemuan PertamaRabu,  3 September 2014
QuizRabu,  3 September 2014

Course Outline:

Bab 1 Introduction to Computers
Bab 2 The Internet and World Wide Web
Bab 3 Application Software
Bab 4 The Components of The System Unit
Bab 5 Input
Bab 6 Output
Bab 7 Storage
Bab 8 Operating System and Utilility Programs
Bab 9 Communications and Networks
Bab 10 Database Management
Bab 11 Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy
Bab 12 Information System Development
Bab 13 Programming Languages and Program Development
Bab 14 Enterprise Computing
Bab 15 Computer Careers and Certification
Lecture Notes
Following is a sample of the lecture notes presented in the class.
1Introduction to Computers (PDF)
Objectives Overview Define the Explain why computer term, computer, and Describe the five literacy is vital to describe the components of asuccess in today’s world relationship between computer data and information Discuss the advantages Define theand disadvantages that term, network, and Discuss the uses of theusers experience when identify benefits of Internet and World working with sharing resources on a Wide Web computers networkSee Page 3 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 1
The Technology
2The Internet and World Wide Web (PDF)
Objectives Overview Identify and briefly describe various broadband Internet Discuss the evolution of the connections and state Describe the types of Internet Internet differences between broadband access providers Internet connections and dial- up connections Describe how to use a search Describe the purpose of an IP Explain the purpose of a Web engine to search foraddress and its relationship to a browser and identify the information on the Web and domain name components of a Web address differentiate between a search engine and a subject directorySee Page 73 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 2
3Application Software (PDF)
Objectives Overview Explain how the Differentiate among the Identify the four operating system and seven forms through categories of utility programs work which software is application software with application available software Identify the key Describe characteristics features of widely used of a user interface business programsSee Page 141 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 3
4The Components of The System Unit (PDF)
Objectives OverviewDifferentiate among various Describe the control unit Identify chips, adapter styles of system units on and arithmetic logic unit cards, and other desktop computers, components of a processor, components of a notebook computers, and and explain the four steps in motherboard mobile devices a machine cycle Identify characteristics ofvarious personal computer Define a bit and describe Explain how program processors on the market how a series of bits instructions transfer in and today, and describe the represents data out of memoryways processors are cooledSee Page 209 Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 4
5Input (PDF)
Objectives Overview Identify the keys and buttons commonly found on desktop Define input and differentiate computer keyboards, and Describe different mouse typesamong a program, command, and describe how keyboards for and explain how to use a mouse user response mobile computers and devices differ from desktop computer keyboards Describe various types of touch Describe various types of pen Summarize the purpose of variousscreens and explain how a touch- input, and identify other types of game controllers sensitive pad works input for smart phonesSee Page 257 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 5
6Output (PDF)
Objectives Overview Explain the Describe the factors Describe the types of characteristics of that affect the quality output various display of an LCD monitor or devices LCD screen Differentiate Describe various between a ways to print nonimpact printer and an impact printerSee Page 303 Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 6 2for Detailed Objectives
7Storage (PDF)
Objectives Overview Describe the characteristics of an internal hard disk including Differentiate between storage capacity, platters, read/write devices and storage media heads, cylinders, sectors and tracks, revolutions per minute, transfer rate, and access time Discuss the purpose of network attached storage devices, Describe the various types of external and removable hard flash memory storage disks, and hard disk controllersSee Page 351 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 7
8Operating System and Utilility Programs (PDF)
Objectives Overview Define system Describe the Summarize the software and identify functions of an startup process on a the two types of operating system personal computer system software Summarize the Summarize the Briefly describe features of several features of several various server stand-alone operating embedded operating operating systems systems systems Explain the purpose of several utility programsSee Page 397 Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 8
9Communications and Networks (PDF)
Objectives Overview Discuss the purpose of the List advantages of using a components required for Describe the uses of network, and differentiatesuccessful communications computer communications among LANs, MANs, andand identify various sending WANs and receiving devices Differentiate between client/server and peer-to- Differentiate among a star Describe the various peer networks, and network, bus network, and network communications describe how a P2P ring network standards network worksSee Page 459 Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 9
10Database Management (PDF)
Objectives Overview Define the term, Define the term, data database, and explain Discuss the terms integrity, and describe how a database character, field, record, the qualities of valuableinteracts with data and and file information information Describe file Differentiate between a maintenance file processing techniques and approach and the validation techniques database approachSee Page 513 2for Detailed Objectives Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 10
Applications of Technology
11Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy (PDF)
Objectives Overview Define the term, Describe various types Discuss techniques tocomputer security risks, of Internet and network prevent unauthorizedand briefly describe the attacks, and identify computer access and types of cybercrime ways to safeguard use perpetrators against these attacks Explain the ways Identify safeguards Discuss how encryption software manufacturers against hardware theft works, and explain why protect against and vandalism it is necessary software piracySee Page 555 Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World 2for Detailed Objectives Chapter 11
12Information System Development (PDF)
Objectives Overview Discuss the importance of project management,Define system development Identify the guidelines for feasibility assessment, and list the system system development documentation, and data development phases and information gathering techniques Explain the activities Discuss the purpose of the Describe the various tools performed in the planning activities performed in the used in process modeling phase analysis phaseSee Page 619 2 Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 12for Detailed Objectives
13Programming Languages and Program Development (PDF)
Objectives Overview Identify and discuss the Identify and discuss the characteristics of these Differentiate between purpose of procedural object-oriented machine and assembly programming languages, programming languages languages and describe the features of and program development C and COBOL tools Identify the uses of other programming languages Describe various ways to and program development develop Web pages toolsSee Page 663 Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 13 2for Detailed Objectives
14Enterprise Computing (PDF)
Objectives Overview Discuss the special Describe and list general Identify information information purpose and integrated systems and software requirements of an information systems used in the functional enterprise-sized used throughout an units of an enterprise corporation enterprise Describe and list types of Describe virtualization, technologies used cloud computing, and throughout an enterprise grid computingSee Page 719 2for Detailed Objectives Discovering Computers 2012: Chapter 14
15Computer Careers and Certification (PDF)
Describe career opportunities available in these segments of the computer industry: general business and government organizations and their IT departments, computer equipment field, computer software field, computer service and repair field, computer sales, computer education and training field, and IT consulting
16Emerging Technologies; Course Wrap-up (PDF)
17Final Exam


1. Quiz
2. UTS
3. UAS


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